Asian Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2023-12-01T00:00:00+07:00 Dr. Muhammad Abdurrahman Munir Open Journal Systems <p>An international Peer-reviewed journal in the field of science related to analytical approach was published by DAS Institute. <em>Asian Journal of Analytical Chemistry</em> welcomes early application of new analytical and bioanalytical methods and technology, demonstrating the potential for societal impact.</p> <p>Asian Journal of Analytical Chemistry is a member of CrossRef with the DOI prefix number and <span class="value">an Open Access Journal. </span>Asian Journal of Analytical Chemistry is published twice yearly, in June and December.</p> <p>We require that methods and technology reported in the journal are sufficiently innovative, robust, accurate, and compared to other available techniques for the intended application. Developments with interdisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. Systems should be proven with suitably complex and analytically challenging samples.</p> <p>We encourage developments within, but not limited to, the following technologies and applications:</p> <ul> <li>Global health, public health, and molecular diagnostics</li> <li>Drug development and pharmaceutical analysis</li> <li>Drug chemistry and synthesis of drug compounds</li> <li>Pharmacognosy, molecular &amp; cellular biology in pharmacy, and phytochemistry</li> <li>Drug analysis and quality control</li> <li>Biosensors and chemical sensors</li> <li>Applied micro fluids and nanotechnology</li> <li>Agricultural, environmental, food technology, and food science</li> <li>Biochemical and clinical analysis</li> <li>Forensic analysis</li> <li>Industrial process and method establishment</li> </ul> <p>Asian Journal of Analytical Chemistry is an international scholarly journal in science and technology aimed to publish high-quality scientific papers, including original research papers, reviews, mini-reviews, short communication, and technical notes. The journal welcomes the submission of articles covering a typical science and technology subject, such as Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Biology.</p> CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF MEFENAMIC ACID IN (Montalin) HERBAL MEDICINE CIRCULATING IN YOGYAKARTA CITY 2023-11-23T18:35:12+07:00 Abibatul Azizah Bariqna'im Katon Haryanggita Niam Mardiah Giseliani Wirata Kusuma Ferdinan Khan Sondak <p>Jamu for rheumatic pain is one of the most popular herbal medicines in Indonesia, and jamu manufacturers often add pharmaceutical chemicals (BKO) to make the treatment effect more effective. One of the BKOs added is mefenamic acid. The addition of mefenamic acid can cause dangerous side effects such as convulsions and even coma. This study aims to determine the content of mefenamic acid BKO in herbal sciatica preparations circulating in the Yogyakata area. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of the UV spectrophotometric method in the analysis of mefenamic acid content in pure mefenamic acid tablets determined based on certain parameters. Validation parameters including accuracy, precision, limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ). Results of this method validation test showed limit of quantity (LOQ) 0,244476 ppm and limit of detection (LOD) 0,073343 ppm.</p> 2023-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Abibatul Azizah, Bariqna'im Katon Haryanggita, Niam Mardiah Giseliani Wirata Kusuma, Ferdinan Khan Sondak Chemical Analysis of the Drug Mefenamic Acid in Herbal Medicine for Aches and Pains Komplit Sidomuncul UV-VIS Spectrophotometric Method 2023-11-18T22:24:58+07:00 Arfinda Hanung Saputri Bagus Made Virdiansyah Habibah Inas Maulina <p>Jamu is a traditional medicine that is widely used by the community to prevent or help cure various diseases. There are many traditional medicines in Indonesia that do not contain chemicals. The mixing of BKO in herbal medicine is prohibited by the Indonesian government. Medicinal chemicals are medicinal chemical compounds that are intentionally added to herbal medicines with the aim of achieving the desired effect faster than usual. The medicinal chemical that is often added to jamu pegal linu is mefenamat acid. The purpose of this study is to analyze the BKO contained in jamu pegal linu "<em>komplit sidomuncul</em>". The parameters of the analysis method are linearity, limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ) using the Uv-Vis spectrophotometric method. The validation results of this method show that this method is good for detecting mefenamic acid in herbal medicine with a correlation coefficient (r) value of 0.9998; limit of detection (LOD) 0.073343 mg/L; limit of quantification (LOQ) 0.244476. In herbal medicine samples containing mefenamic acid 4.046 ppm shows a concentration above the LOD, meaning that mefenamic acid in the sample is detected.</p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Arfinda Hanung Saputri, Bagus Made Virdiansyah, Habibah Inas Maulina DETERMINATION OF PARACETAMOL LEVELS USING THE UV-VIS SPECTROPHOTOMETRY METHOD 2023-11-21T10:02:35+07:00 Abd Sukri S Manusu Nabila Ramadhani Eva Larassati Baiq Husnul Hotimah Septiandi <p>Paracetamol is analgesic and antipyretic Which introduced on treatment on year 1950s. Paracetamol reduces pain by inhibiting the cyclooxygenase enzyme and preventing the production of prostaglandins in the central and peripheral nervous system. Ultraviolet-visible (UV -Vis) is a technique used to analyze substances containing components that absorb in the visible ultraviolet region. The advantages of the UV-Vis method are that the analysis technique is fast, the equipment is easy to use, uses less solvent and reagents, and is more cost effective. The operating principle of a UV-Vis (Ultra Violet-Visible) spectrophotometer is based on light absorption, where atoms and molecules interact with light. The aim of this research is to develop or validate a fast, accurate and efficient analytical method for determining the concentration of paracetamol in various drugs or medicines, thus supporting monitoring of the quality, safety and effectiveness of these products in a product. clinic s. The validation results of this method show that this method is good for detecting mefenamic acid in herbal medicine with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.9478 and (r2 <sup>) </sup>of 0.9736; limit of detection (LOD) 13.42679 ppm; limit of quantification (LOQ) 44.75595. The herbal medicine samples contained paracetamol on average 5,487 ppm.</p> 2023-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Abd Sukri S Manusu, Nabila Ramadhani, Eva Larassati, Baiq Husnul Hotimah Septiandi ANALYSIS OF MEFENAMIC ACID LEVEL IN HERBAL MEDICINE FOR SCIATICA PAIN (AIR MANCUR) BY UV-VIS SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC METHOD 2023-11-18T22:19:22+07:00 Baiq Husnul Hotimah Septiandi Eva Larassati Nabila Ramadhani Abd Sukri S Manusu <p>Herbal medicine is a traditional medicine that is still popular today among the public. Herbal medicine for pain and rheumatism is one type of herbal medicine that is in great demand by consumers. Herbs are often added with medicinal chemicals to provide a faster and more effective effect so that it can attract consumers to use these herbal products, but basically the use of medicinal chemicals in herbal medicine is a dangerous thing because the dose contained in the herbal medicine is unknown but still used for a long time. The method used is the UV-Vis spectrophotometric method with a wavelength range of 200-400 nm. The research began with the collection of herbal medicine samples taken randomly in one of the shops in the city of Yogyakarta, the samples used were herbal medicine for sciatica pain produced by air mancur, then wavelength readings were taken, mefenamic acid standard solution analysis, and method validation. The method validation results obtained are the correlation value (R2) of 0.9998, the LOD value of 0, 073343 and LOQ 0.244476 ppm. This value exceeds the LOD and LOQ values so that it can be interpreted that the herbal medicine sample has a mefamic acid content of 4.643 ppm or 1.266%.</p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Baiq Husnul Hotimah Septiandi, Eva Larassati, Nabila Ramadhani, Abd Sukri S Manusu